
Restaurant HTML Template

Welcome To GrandRestaurant Template Documentation.

Firstly, a huge thanks for purchasing this theme, your support is truly appreciated!

This document covers the installation and use of this theme and often reveals answers to common problems and issues - read this document thoroughly if you are experiencing any difficulties. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, feel free to pose them in the dedicated support section.

Template Features

Go ahead to know more.

After unzip the download pack, you'll found a Template Folder with all the files.

You can view this Template in any browser, you can display or edit the Template without an internet connection.

The two sections that will not work is the Google map Section which contains external link to get the map source.

and Contact form which uses PHP, so will work only online.

Now open your FTP Client (like Filezilla) or directly through cpanel, upload the content of the Template on your server root.

Once the files are done uploading go to

Please follow the tutorial to have a simple installation of the theme.

HTML Structure

This Template has a Responsive layout and is based on our own framework.

The default grid system utilizes 12 columns, making for a 1170px wide container without responsive features enabled. With the responsive CSS file added, the grid adapts to be 724px and 1170px wide depending on your viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically.

Basic Grid HTML

please see this page fort the grid layouts and use the classes that we used there: columns.html

These are the css files that are loaded into templates in Head Section.


Google Web Fonts

By default, the template loads Montserrat font, Raleway font and Crimson font from Google Web Font Services, you can change the font with the one that suits you best.

These are the JS files that are loaded into templates in end of the Body Section and some of them like modernizr in the head of the them.

The js files are also the same in all the demos, and the Template has loaded all the js scripts in all pages, so u can use whatever u want from the template, wherever u want.


Please follow the first steps of the tutorial, to have it easier to install it on your own.


You will find that this template in some demos has 2 navigation menu's , one is the desktop version menu, other one is for mobile version, and don't worry, you can ask us anything you dont understand

Main Nav

This is the main navigation.


If u choose to have the main navigation, u will need the mobile nav too, u have the nav's comented as "Main Nav" and "Mobile Nav Menu".


We use different and multiple sliders on our template, please refere to the sliders section to find which ever suits you better.

Inner Pages

This templage is converted from the WP Version of GrandRestaurant, and because of that it has some inline styles, but it's very easy to customize.
For example U can find the background of the parallax effect in the HTML page like this.
So all u need to do is, to change the image here, for example change the wanderlust01.jpg to the desired one.
And as always, if u have any trouble with this, u can allways turn to us.

google Maps

To use google maps at your own coordinates please find this code:

change data-latlng="25.769411,-80.184988" to your preference...

Contact Form

Open plugins folder and then quform folder and open "process.php"

  1. Find "$config['recipients'] = '';" and replace it with the email id, where you want to receive the mail.
Most of the new host company has stopped PHP (mail) functioning, because using this spammer can send a thousand of emails, so if cform is not working, you have to try the hosting site and talk to them!


U can use icons from fontAwesome, here's the link of the icon map

Thats it. You are done. Now your website is ready to launch.
This is a very small tutorial for the index.html, but it will help u with other demos too, if u have any trouble setting up the theme, we will be happy to assist you.

We have used the following plugins, fonts & images. All fonts, images, icons used in this template are free for commercial use.

jQuery Plugins
Images Images in live preview are not included to the template.But if you need the images like in Template, just contact us and we'll send you all the images.

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme.
As I said at the beginning, We'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. We I'll do our best to assist.

If u have question u can ask us here. Thanks
